Saturday, January 27, 2007

Health in the news: It's not true to say the poor pay 10 times more than the better-off for health!

Mr. Shahriari, a member of the Health Commission of the Parliament says that claiming that the poor pay 10 times more than the better-off for health has not been proved by any evidence. He added that those with lower income usually utilize public health services and cannot afford private health facilities. According to the law uninsured people receive a compulsory health insurance plan at the point of hospitalization and are able to use their policy right after the first encounter Shahriari reiterated. Some doctors/centers even waive the co- payments for poor patients he continued.
Source: www., Jan 7, 2007 ; No: 1980

My Comment: I agree with Mr. Shahriari that this number (10 times) cannot be true (You can find the estimated values from the National Statistical Center) but I believe that in general the poor receive services of lower qualities. Residents of hard to reach areas, those who reside in ghettos, and pensioners have a poor access to quality healthcare.

Code: 21N

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