Monday, December 25, 2006

Health in the news : 20,000 annual neonatal death in Iran

"Following accidents and cardiovascular diseases, perinatal mortality is the third cause of premature loss of death in Iran. Annually, 20,000 neonates lose their life at birth and 5000 additional neonates die of other pregancy related causes before and after birth " Mohammad Esmaeil Motlagh , the chair of the Office for Population and Family Health of the MOH, said. Most cases of neonatal death occur in ghettos of towns and cities close to borders. Preeclampsia/eclampsia, postpartum bleeding, and pregnancy related infections are among the top causes of neonatal death.

Source: 20,000 annual neonatal death in Iran. JameJam online, December 25, 2006

My comment:
1- In a different source (, November 20, 2006) the perinatal mortality is reported to be 35,000/ year. In this report, the neonatal mortality rate is said to be 20,000 per year!
Having a look at trend of child mortality indices during the last decade, we can see that while under 5 mortality and infant mortality have been decreasing rapidly, neonatal death rate has been on slight increase. This is becuase the PHC network helped a lot in reducing mortality due to diarrhe and other infectious diseases via ORS therapy and immunization while neonatal deaths are being caused by multi-factorial causes in which interventions are to be expensive and multi-faceted. However, if maternal bleeding as a cause of neonatal death is reduced, we may expect a good decrease in neonatal death in poor areas of the coutnry as a result.

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